The proposed oil road into Yasuní National Park will fragment their habitat and could have a dire effect on the Harpy Eagles' already tenuous population. What is a sloths natural predator The sloths natural predators are the jaquar, the harpy eagle and humans. Harpy Eagles are in danger of becoming extinct due to habitat fragmentation, habitat destruction, and hunting. Usually only one offspring survives, and both sexes care for the young. What are sloths predators Jaguars and eagles are common predators of sloths. Females lay 1-2 eggs that have an incubation period of 53-56 days. Jaguars, harpy eagles, and humans are the only predators that the brown-throated sloth must be wary of, and generally, the brown-throated sloth remains well-camouflaged in the higher branches of trees which allows them to avoid any real threat from predators. Harpy pairs mate for life and establish nests in high trees or cliffs (above 130 ft). Harpy eagles are also known to hunt sloths, but they are much more selective in their choice of prey than either the jaguar or ocelot. Jaguars are ambush predators, meaning they will wait until their prey is unsuspecting before attacking. and are larger than their male counterparts, which weigh 10-14 lbs. One of the predators that hunt sloths is the jaguar. Harpies have talons as long as grizzly bear claws (5 inches) and their wingspan is near in length to the height of an NBA basketball player (6-and-a-half feet). Their hunting skills can be attributed in part to their impressive anatomy. Besides primates, this voracious carnivore feeds on other birds, sloths, opossums, large reptiles, and large rodents. Harpy Eagles are powerful raptors they are able to pluck monkeys right out of tree tops. They are one of the 600 species of birds that inhabit Yasuni National Park. These raptors (or birds of prey) are only found in the Central and South American rainforests. deforestation patterns and habitat suitability for Harpy Eagles. The near-threatened Harpy Eagle is one of the world's largest birds. Juvenile Harpy Eagle with sloth in Esmeraldas Province Ana Vanegas, 2019. Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) Classification: Class Aves (birds), Order Falconiformes, Family Accipitridae, Genus Harpia, Species harpyja