You can find more details on the AWS website. Please note that the above information provides a general overview, and each service has different features and pricing details. 🔴 Redshift pricing is based on global data transfer, cluster size, and query data processing. 🗄️ RDS pricing varies based on the database engine, storage size, backups, and data transfer.Īmazon Redshift: A database service for data warehousing and analytics.

⚡️ Lambda pricing is based on the duration of execution, code runtime, and memory usage.Īmazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Provides managed relational database services. ☁️ S3 pricing varies based on storage volume, data transfer, and data access frequency.ĪWS Lambda: An event-driven, serverless code execution service. 💻 EC2 pricing varies based on the selected instance type, size, and usage duration.Īmazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): A cloud storage service for storing objects. Here are some popular AWS services and general pricing information:Īmazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Provides virtual servers. Pricing varies based on the type of services offered by AWS, usage volume, and region. How does the pricing of AWS work? 💰💻 AWS (Amazon Web Services), an incredible platform that offers a variety of cloud services!ĪWS (Amazon Web Services) is a platform that provides various cloud services.